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Welcome to Mola.

Become a member and enjoy curated streaming content and exciting live events

Video streaming

Enjoy some of the best curated entertainment titles and sports all under one subscription service. From Hollywood series, European dramas and Independent films, we curate our titles so you won't have any regret wasting time on things you wish hadn't seen.    

“Gak ada tontonan yang jelek di Mola, bener bener kayak sudah dipilihin buat kita. Tinggal nonton dan enjoy aja"
"My go to place untuk nyari hiburan pilihan. Koleksi filmnya gila, dari semua jaman ada, dan bukan film murahan atau asal Hollywood aja."
“Datang untuk bola dan setia Karena koleksi filmnya. Pengen kenalan sama yang milihinnya”

Digital pass, event tickets & Collectibles

Want to attend exclusive events, exciting concerts and more? Mola events brings you something different every time..

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Previous Mola Chill Club events

Mola Digital

©2022 by Mola.

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